Thursday, November 14, 2013

What is Biz Blogs?

Biz blogs are nothing but Business blogs also known as business weblogs, these blogs are written by business people about business topics and day-to-day operations to impart wisdom from within a company, offer education, and provide industry information.

how to create a biz blogs?

First you should select your business or niche business.  Niche is noting your business keyword or keywords.  For example if you are working in a shipping company then you should select a keyword from shipping related competitive keywords.

I hope to take an example from Jobs site which should take several example as part time jobs, jobs online, work from home, online jobs at home, offline jobs, home online jobs and many keywords to select for your niche.  After that you can select a weblog in or

How to select a domain name?

If you use wordpress or blogger which has been giving you the subdomain name option.

For Example :

If you need part time job blog then :

Whenever you try to get a domain name in blogger or wordpress you may not get direct keywords.  So you can take a localized keywords which integrate with city + keywords to be useful for you to get local traffic to your website or blog.

How to get contents?

You should have unique content to your website and you should copy anyone's post from anywhere in online.  Also whenever you quote another blog or website content you just refer it and put the author name then include your suggestions on this post.

I hope people are understand my points in content writing and also content writing is the most important job in a freelance websites.  So if you are content writer then you will get good future in freelance websites or companies.  You need worry about when you have stuff in your website then automatically traffic and people will reach you soon.

Saturday, June 18, 2011

Choblogs is not working now

Choblogs is not working now on because of some hosting trouble and it will be coming soon.  Thanks to all supporters and members to this free blogs.